Well, most of the time, with exceptions, I will be posting about things I'm thankful for and why. There will be deviations of course. Aren't there exceptions to every rule? Of course! So, I'll have deviations to do a particular theme or I will be thankful for something and it will carry over into more than one post, or I'll just post something random because I'm excited about it. Blogs are for fun right? Right. So, since blogs are supposed to be fun, I'll write on other things other than thankfulness sometimes. All posts will end with a Bible verse in the NKJV.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Today I am Thankful for: Mine and Maddy's Car!

Yeah, I'm sure I've spazzed at all of you already about my car. BUT. I'm so excited I must blog about it. So there. So, on Wednesday my mom told me about a car she had gotten an email about form a lady we used to go to church with. They were selling their 1999 Ford Taurus for $950. Well, mom told dad to go look at it and see if it was possible for Maddy and me to get it. The owners told us it needs some transmission work done on it, but it isn't imperative that it get done now. So, I shall be driving it for a while before I give it up and put it in a shop. Hahaha! And so, on Thursday night, as I was leaving to go babysit, as I do every Thursday, dad drives up in it! And I was just thinking "Man! Now I don't get to be here while they're deciding whether I'm gonna buy it or not!" Shoot! And I didn't even really get to look at it or anything.  I had to leave. Pronto. So, I left, and I texted my mom and talked on the phone to my sister and dad a lot of the night. Then, Maddy called and said we bought it! I was SO excited. I had my very own car with which to drive with my driver's license! How cool is that?!?!?! Very cool.
Ohoooo yes.
So, when I got home from babysitting, I had to take my dad to get his truck, and then drive it home. It's SO different driving a car as compared to a van. I rather like it though. :) So, I was very excited, and I got to drive it yesterday as well! Easier to drive in daylight. :) Much easier! So, that was fun! Maddy wanted to drive it, as it is hers as well, so she drove it to school with mom and I drove the van. But, I got to drive it home from school and to and from Bible study last night. I was very excited. And Maddy and I went to Starbucks this morning as well in celebration. And, once I got Maddy home I drove to Lowe's and got wasp killer and some D-rings for our keys. :) Very exciting! And daddy took pictures of us by our new car this morning before we left. :) Cool beans!
Oh! Funny story. My car has an alarm. So, as I was leaving to go home from Bible study last night, I unlocked my door, with the key, not the remote, and got in, and tried to start the car. The alarm went off! I have no idea why either! It probably went off for a good two or three minutes before Jacksyn took my keys from me and pressed the unlock button on the remote. I'm still flummoxed as to why it went off, but whatever. It didn't do it today either. So, that was weird. I hope it doesn't do it anymore!
Well, stay posted and I will right about the state fair soon! That was quite the adventure.
Me and my car! Oh yeah!
So, here's new from my latest letters from Aaron:
I got three letters all in bulk yesterday! I was very excited because I hadn't gotten any for over a week. So, he mentioned in one that he had been put on light duty. Light duty is basically light duty. Not as hard as it had been. He said he didn't get to do anything. I assume this was because of his blisters from his boots. And then in another letter he mentioned that he had been taken off, so thank goodness for that! And he said that he got 4 hours of free time for Memorial Day, but they had to iron their Cammies during that, so he thought by the time he sat down to write me that it was almost over. He said he was excited about swim week, but not excited about the gas chambers. Still waiting to hear about how that all went. They are kept really busy and so he doesn't get time to be too homesick, so that's good! And he mentioned getting protein bars and vitamin C packs and he said that made him feel energized. They got sent to the sand pit for the first time the other day apparently. He HATED that. Hahaha! He said that the SDI's were merciful and didn't make them stay in too long. And that was basically it!
Matthew 6:31 "Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’"