Best friends are officially the best. They let you vent at them, are nice to you when you're not nice to be around, they hug you when you're sad and jump up and down with you when you're excited, the sit companionably with you, they give you hugs no matter the occasion, they listen to you rant, they sympathize and empathize, they are loving when you need some love directed your way, and, last but definitely not least, they pray for you. I'm sure I only listed a few of the amazing qualities a good best friend has. My best friend does all of these! She's the best and she is...*drum roll please*... REBECCA!
Rebecca! |
I love her dearly and, all in one day, today, she has displayed these wonderful qualities towards me. What would we all do without a best friend? Whoever your best friend is, next time you see them, give them a hug and tell them thanks for being the best. :)
Romans 12:15 "Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep."
awwwww! cute!! :)