Well, most of the time, with exceptions, I will be posting about things I'm thankful for and why. There will be deviations of course. Aren't there exceptions to every rule? Of course! So, I'll have deviations to do a particular theme or I will be thankful for something and it will carry over into more than one post, or I'll just post something random because I'm excited about it. Blogs are for fun right? Right. So, since blogs are supposed to be fun, I'll write on other things other than thankfulness sometimes. All posts will end with a Bible verse in the NKJV.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Today I am Thankful for: Busy Days!

I love busy days. I love being able to have flexibility with my schedule and yet have no excuse to be bored. I've been up since around 7 and I've been working since then. I had to do today's and tomorrow school work because tomorrow I am going to go get my driver's license!! YAY! And since it may take quite a while, I didn't want to fall behind, so I did most of tomorrow's school today as well. I also cleaned my fish's tank. And he is much happier now that he's clean and I took care of puppies and unloaded and put away groceries and all that good stuff, but I've also had time to email my dear friend Lenita quite a few times back and forth and to play a game. So, it's been really nice not to be bored, but still have enough time to do some fun things as well. :) So, I wanted to take some time to blog about my day. Do any of you enjoy days like I had today as well? It's so fulfilling to me to have a to-do list and be able to scratch off all the things I needed to do that day. Any of you feel that way? Or am I some eccentric odd-ball? Heehee!
Yay!! A Letter!
Well, I got a letter from Aaron today. This is letter number 4 for me! I was all prepared when I went and got the mail to not get a letter, and I waited until I got into the house to rifle through the mail, which is unusual for me. And then I rifled through it and I got through almost the whole big pile and then, there was a letter! I was so excited. He didn't mention much. He said morale was high, which made me giggle a little bit, and he mention the food again. That's the 3rd time he's mentioned the "chow" as they call it there, so he must really like it. He also mentioned that he learned what the date was on the 24, and that made him happy as he had lost track. He says supplies are limited, so I'm assuming he hasn't gotten my envelopes that I sent him yet. I'll have to get the standard letter size to include with my personal letters. Maybe I'll drive myself to get some tomorrow. :) Hahaha! Oh, he also said he went to the dentist and he gets a haircut once a week. That was all he wrote, so, I'll write more once I get another letter. :)
Ecclesiastes 5:19-20 "As for every man to whom God has given riches and wealth, and given him power to eat of it, to receive his heritage and rejoice in his labor - this is the gift of God. For he will not dwell unduly on the days of his life, because God keeps him busy with the joy of his heart."
How is God keeping you busy with the joy of your heart? What are the joys of your heart?

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