Well, most of the time, with exceptions, I will be posting about things I'm thankful for and why. There will be deviations of course. Aren't there exceptions to every rule? Of course! So, I'll have deviations to do a particular theme or I will be thankful for something and it will carry over into more than one post, or I'll just post something random because I'm excited about it. Blogs are for fun right? Right. So, since blogs are supposed to be fun, I'll write on other things other than thankfulness sometimes. All posts will end with a Bible verse in the NKJV.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Today I am Thankful for: Blogs!

It only seemed fitting as my first post on a blog about thankfulness that I write about being thankful for blogs!
I was chatting with my friend Lauren on gmail, and she told me that I should do a blog. Well, I've thought about doing a blog multiple times, but never could really think about what to write about. I didn't want to just write about random stuff whenever the urge hit me. Well, Lauren gave me some really good ideas, but as always happens with me, people give me advice, and I promptly disregard it and do something different. But, I did think of an idea for a blog! So, I'm thankful that I thought of something to write about, and I'm thankful that Lauren helped me to finally put my musings about  a blog into fruition. Thanks Lauren!
So, I shall end this post with one of my favorite verses ever.
Romans 8:18 "For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."


  1. Your welcome. I like your idea way better than mine...I love it. :-)

  2. Ha sophie I love your profile. Hehe

  3. I love your blog Lauren! No way is my idea better than yours. lol!
    Thanks Jen! I also love blogs. :)
    Thank you my dear Madeleine. :)
