So, I'm gonna quick blog about my trip to Atlanta, so that you all can hear abuot it without me having to repeat the same thing a thousand times. Hahaha.
It was a really fun trip! I drove most of the way there and back, which was exciting. Except for driving through Atlanta. That is not fun. Just so you all know. Haha. But we got there and Oglthorpe had a gift bag waiting for me at the hotel, which was cool. And then dad and I went to the campus for my choral scholarship audition. It went really really well! I think I sang better for that audition than I've ever sung ever. I was so excited! And Dr. Ray was really nice. Everyone at Oglethorpe was really nice. But, I sang for him, and then dad and I went to the on campus library, which was AMAZING. Ok. Amazing. Half of this library is the size of the Madison library. It's amazing. I'm tellin' ya. And all the builidings, except a few which are being remodeled to be like the other ones, are in the neogothic structure, and in grey stone. And it's just the most beautiful campus. It is so gorgeous. Then, at 4:30 we checked in for the JEO merit scholarship competition, and I met a few girls, and then we went to different brief type things. One was on their core curriculm, and the other was all about their honors program and studying abroad, and I am eligible for both by the way. Then we went to a reception, and the food was actually good! I got to talk to some OU parents, and a current student, and the Civic Engagement boss person. I learned a lot! Then, I went back to the hotel and crashed promptly after eating some of my dad's dinnner.
Saturday was really really fun! We got to the school at 8:30 and met the president in the theater. Which is awesome by the way! I wish I had taken a picture of it. It was super cool! And then we moved on to our seminars. I was in one called "The Polotics of Hip Hop" and it was really interesting! My professor was really nice, and she asked some very thought provoking questions, and gave us all a signed copy of her book, "African American Polotics." Then we had to write an essay based on what we covered in the seminar, then we went to lunch. I got to talk to an economics major about all the awesome economics classes he's taking, and another girl about the cafeteria food, and then we went to Emerson Hall for a "Party." It wasn't really a party. Hahaha. It was mostly loud music and some chips and we sat around for 3 hours. But, I visited with some really nice girls, and that was fun. And then, I went on a dorm tour, and the dorms are super nice. Plus there's a kitchen available for the residents of each dorm! I thought that was awesome. Because I do not want to live off ramen for 4 years if I go to this school. haha. Then, we went to the auditorium in Lupton Hall and watched "Inception". Really good movie! If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it. It's really good. Also, I had an interview with an alumni. She basically just asked me all about myself, and all my accomplishments, and my interests. Things like that. And then we got in a bus to go to a VIP dinner at the natural history museum in Atlanta. I will spare you the details of the horrid bus ride to the museum.... Ahem. And the food at the museum was really yummy. I got back to the hotel at 9:30, slept in on Sunday morning, then me and dad left for home. It was a really fun weekend!
I don't know any results from my audition or seminar yet, but I'll be sure to tell you all when I get them. Thanks for reading my really long post! :)
Well, most of the time, with exceptions, I will be posting about things I'm thankful for and why. There will be deviations of course. Aren't there exceptions to every rule? Of course! So, I'll have deviations to do a particular theme or I will be thankful for something and it will carry over into more than one post, or I'll just post something random because I'm excited about it. Blogs are for fun right? Right. So, since blogs are supposed to be fun, I'll write on other things other than thankfulness sometimes. All posts will end with a Bible verse in the NKJV.
AH! this is so exciting! :D glad it went well! keep us posted on everything! :)